Post #101: Books - "My Intention Is To Give A Succinct Account Of Some Of My Adventures"
I am a fan of "living history", and do enjoy visiting historic sites, tours and lectures, but of the opinion that the best way to learn about history is reading. There are plenty of choices when it comes to books regarding the Revolutionary War era, some good, some not so good. These are my top three. The first two have nothing to do with the 1777 march of the Convention Army . Only two of the nine accounts in the third are from soldiers who fought in the Saratoga campaign with Burgoyne. That's because regardless of one's interest in a particular aspect of the Revolution, it's essential to have some understanding of the broader framework of the war - and the world in the eighteenth century - to truly appreciate what happened with respect to any single person, battle or event. First on my list is Joseph Plumb Martin's Narrative of Some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier. If, for some reason, you are on...